Meat, eggs and dairy have been proven to accelerate our biological age, putting unnecessary mileage on our bodies.
By switching to a plant based diet, we can slow our biological clock and reduce the associated health effects.
But as a nation we’re very good at tuning out messaging from public health organisations. Particularly younger generations who believe those messages don’t apply to them.
But what if we tapped into our vanity for the good of our overall health and demonstrated to people that a plant based diet can actually slow the signs of ageing?
The Menu of Youth is an idea we had for a well known food delivery provider. It isn’t greasy, guilt-laden food made with processed meat, dairy, eggs, MSG or any other damaging ingredients. Instead everything is plant based and designed to improve your health and slow our biological clock.
So instead of heading for cosmetics or the GP surgery to solve our ageing issues, just order a pizza.